Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sell Aluminum Cans & Recycle Soda Cans for Cash in Tennessee - Yahoo! Voices

Sell Aluminum Cans & Recycle Soda Cans for Cash in Tennessee

After losing my shop girl job in the terrible economy and high unemployment rate of March 2009, I needed to find some quick ways to earn income while I looked for a job. Recycling soft drink cans for cash is one of the ways I have paid for small bills or purchases:

In an effort to bolster my sagging finances since being laid off, I have had to get creative about ways to supplement my income while looking for employment. I always recycle my cans, plastics, and glass at recycling bins. However, it occurred to me that I might be able to make some money out of some of my trash if I did a little research. While I am still researching glass, plastic, and tin, the following tips should help you make money recycling and selling aluminum cans in Tennessee!

Read more at: Sell Aluminum Cans & Recycle Soda Cans for Cash in Tennessee - Yahoo! Voices

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