Monday, January 13, 2014

Macy's Closing Stores and Laying Off Workers Again - Yahoo

I launched my career as a shop girl at Casterner Knott in the Green Hills area of Nashville in the late 1970s when I worked my way through college. I transferred to Castner-Knott in Bellevue Center when that mall was built but had to leave due to a family illness.

I resumed workingat the same store when it was Proffits a few years later for Christmas and returned again when it was changing over to Hechts at the turn of the century, which in turn became Macy's. Eventually the Bellevue Macy's closed during a "reorganization" period.

 Now  Macy's is going through another "reorganization" which means more layoffs and more store closings.

Find out more at: Macy's Closing Stores and Laying Off Workers Again - Yahoo

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