Monday, November 12, 2012

How Not to Do Business by Email


"Fine Mass Keeps One's Word"

Besides blogging about business, I also blog about skin care. Somehow just the fact I have a blog with "skin" in the title got me added to a spam email list from Qingdao Ouqiang Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd. This company purports to be a "professional chemical manufacturer and exporter." Somehow they missed the part where "professional" companies don't spam random people with offers to sell them Glycol as well as making their email addresses public in the "to" field. There was no removal information on the email... in fact, this is not the first spam I have received from "Tina."

Last time I sent a polite reply asking to be removed and explaining I had nothing to do with any kind of beauty product manufacturing. I got a disrespectful reply and was informed rather than "getting angry" and "being rude," I should just delete the email. 

Today when I got another spam, I sent a reply to "Tina" saying it was rude to continue spamming me and that maybe people needed to know just how unprofessional Qingdao Ouqiang Chemical Company was. A visit to their website showed the slogan "Fine Mass Keeps One's Word," whatever that means. I think "Fine Mass" also doesn't spam people with unwanted sales pitches for Glycol.

When I tried to reply to "Tina" asking to be removed from the spam list, the email apparently went to her email list, but bounced back from her email address at Instead of hearing from "Tina," some choleric staffer at The SkinSpa Institute, sent me an angry reply for spamming "Tina's" spam list with my reply to Tina. Wow! I sure wouldn't go to The SkinSpa Institute if I wanted to relax!

China businesses are getting such a bad reputation in the US for shoddy products and dishonest practices, not to mention killing our pets with sub-standard pet products. Spamming random people with emails about products they have no interest in and no need for only makes it worse. Based upon my email dealings with the company, I would avoid Qingdao Ouqiang Chemical Company and any other spammers at all costs.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Save Money on Auto Repairs by Buying Parts Online

Did you know you can often save hundreds of dollars off expensive repairs by buying your automobile parts online instead of through your local mechanic? Here are two online business sites I have recently discovered where you can order parts for your car at a substantial savings over going through your mechanic, Firestone or Sears. and

Call first before you take a part to your mechanic. It is a good idea to let your mechanic have some input in what you order so you make sure you get the right part in addition, some mechanics will not use customer parts. For instance, there are two Midas shop on Charlotte Pike in Nashville several blocks apart. One will work with customer parts and the other will not.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Walgreens to Start New Rewards Card Program « TopicSpotter

Walgreens to Start New Rewards Card Program

Walgreens staff are preparing for new changes in September at the national drug store chain as Walgreens prepares to follow Krogers and CVS Pharmacies by releasing a new rewards card. The Walgreens loyalty card will allow customers with the card to get points back with Walgreens purchases.

Read more about the new Walgreens loyalty care here: Walgreens to Start New Rewards Card Program « TopicSpotter

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Why Google's New Approach to Copyright Violation Matters | ThinkProgress

Why Google's New Approach to Copyright Violation Matters

 Now, that's what I'm talkin' about! Google announced last week that its search algorithm will begin downgrading the search rankings of sites that have been hit with numerous claims that they’re violating copyright. I say "Go for it!

I can't tell you how often I find my work copied word for word on someone else's website, Facebook, or board, stealing my work and my income. Just this week I found an article I wrote about B12 shots for dogs printed word for word in a Pap Rescue newsletter, complete with a photo of me and my two dogs and some text I later edited out. This organization did not ask me if they could use my article and photo, nor was I paid for my work. In fact, by publishing this article in their newsletter, this organization reached into my pocket and stole my income. They also violated my agreement with the website that did pay me for the article that I would not publish this article elsewhere.

Here is my original article:

As the writer says in this ThinkProgress article:
a focus on incentives, and on driving users to licit, quality streams of content, is where this debate should be.

Read the article at: Why Google's New Approach to Copyright Violation Matters | ThinkProgress

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Make Money on Twitter with Sponsored Tweets

Twitter is fun. You can share photos, updates and links with your friends and follow your favorite celebrities. But did you know you can actually earn a little money on Twitter?

Through a program called Sponsored Tweets, if you have more than 200 followers, you can sign up to run occasional ads on your Twitter page. You set up a quick account, select some topics you Tweet about, select how much you want to charge per ad, and Sponsored Tweets will contact you when advertisers want to target your followers. You can chose to accept or decline each ad as you see fit.

I have more than one Twitter account because I write frequently about several specific topics. Since I don't like to spam my followers, I have separate Twitter accounts so each group gets to read Tweets on topics they care about. I am very picky about the ads I send out, and I decline about 1/3 of the ads sent to me because I think they will be of little interest to my followers.

After tweaking their program over the past couple of years, Sponsored Tweets has become a nice platform for earning a little extra money.

My Earnings with Sponsored Tweets

These are the earnings from just one of my Twitter accounts. On this particular account, I am asking a price for ads that's a little higher than average, so I don't get as many offers. In spite of turning some advertisers away because I charge more than average, and in spite of declining about 1/3 of my offers, my total sales are $127.82, just for Tweeting posts related to topics I already post about on this one Twitter account. I have earned $93.79 from my own Tweets, I have declined $36.19 worth of ads, and I have made another $34.03 from people who have signed up under me.

Sponsored Tweets also has a "pro" program you have to pay to sign up for that is supposed to provide even more opportunities, but I just use the basic free service.

If you have found this information helpful and would like to earn money with Sponsored Tweets, please use my link:

Make Money Writing Online: Where to Write

Leave me a comment below if you have any questions!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Make Money Writing Online: Where to Write

For many years, I wrote for magazines and newspapers and was a shop girl part time in the evenings. As more and more newspapers and magazines closed, I discovered I was running out of places to write. I was forced to learn how to write for the web, which pays far, far less than writing for print. However, with time and practice, I have learned how to make a humble living as a self-employed internet writer.

One thing I have learned is it is wise to write for more than one website, and it is good to write for both websites that pay based upon page views as well as revenue sharing sites. The internet is constantly changing, and a site where you do well today may not be the site where you do the best next year. Diversify.

Unless you have your own website where you sell ads and engage in affiliate marketing, writing for the web typically involves two forms of payment: page views and revenue sharing. The following are a few of my favorite websites in both categories. I will be adding more websites, so check back for more ideas!

Earn for Writing Based Upon Page Views

Examiner is by far my favorite website to write for. I have made more money consistently every month on Examiner than any other platform. Articles only have to be 150 words in length and only one article is required per month to maintain commission. Examiner does not have a set pennies-per-view figure, but I average about 80¢ for every hundred (100) page views which is on the high end of what most sites pay.

Examiner also has a very generous referral incentive, usually $50 per approved referral. I make much more money writing for Examiner than referring people, but those occasional referral bonuses are very nice. If this article is helpful and you decide to try Examiner, please allow me to refer you! Sign up for Examiner here.

Yahoo Contributor Network (YCN) is the first site I ever wrote for starting back when it was Associated Content. Yahoo prefers articles of 350 to 500 words. Although at times I wrote every single day, and I promoted my content, I averaged $16 a month for my first 3 years and am now averaging $30-ish a month on Yahoo. YCN starts payments at $1.50 per thousand (1,000) page views and maxes out at $2 per 1,000 page views.

Some articles may qualify for an upfront payment on YCN. Advertised at $2 - $20, the usual upfront payment is more like $2 - $6 for articles that qualify. There is usually a one-two-week delay in getting articles approved. There is no referral bonus for Yahoo. Register to write for Yahoo.

Revenue Sharing Websites

Seekyt is my favorite revenue sharing site. I have been surprised at how well some of my articles have done on Seekyt, and as I am learning which articles generate more income, I am producing better income-producing content. Articles must be at least 2,000 characters (350-450 words).

Seekyt referrals also generate income. You earn a 25% of the revenue generated by people you refer. Register for Seekyt here.

TopicSpotter is fairly new and it doesn't have a lot of clout yet because it doesn't have a huge amount of content. Still, it is growing and it does pay similar to what Seekyt pays. As with Seekyt, articles must be at least 2,000 characters (350-450 words).

You can also earn through referrals as you can earn a percentage of the revenue generated by anyone you refer to TopicSpotter. Sign up for TopicSpotter here.

Best Reviewer is one of the easiest and most fun sites to write for. The publishing platform is set up in a numbered list format. You simply pick a topic you can make a list of 3 - 20 items out of. The basic platform is free.

For $5 a month the owner will put more Adsense ads on your articles. Your AdSense ID will also be displayed on pages of anyone you refer. Sign up for Best Reviewer.

Squidoo Squidoo is a fun place to create content, share photos and post some of your best links from other sites. Squidoo is a module-based, income sharing platform where you select the modules you want to use as well as most of the ads. Create lenses on Squidoo.

Squidoo does have a referral program, too, but with Squidoo you only earn a one-time $5 bonus when someone you refer earns more than $15 on a lens, and the one time I referred someone, the referral did not get applied to my account.

I will be adding more websites so check back for more ways to earn writing for the web!

More ideas:
Make Money Online with CashCrate

Leave me a comment below if you have any questions!

Make Money Selling Aluminum Cans & Recycling Drink Cans

How to Sell Aluminum Cans & Get Paid to Recycle Drink Cans

Here is another opportunity to make money while you are between jobs or needing a 2nd income.

Aluminum cans are great for recycling. The scrap aluminum from beverage cans can be reused in products by simply re-melting the metal. Not only can you make a little money recycling your beverage cans, but recycling is good for the environment since the recycling process is much less expensive and less energy intensive than creating new aluminum.

If you are laid off, unemployed, or simply on a tight budget and looking for creative ways to supplement your income, this article has 10 tips that will help you sell your aluminum cans and recycle your drink cans for cash.

Find out more about how to recycle beverage cans for cash at: How to Sell Aluminum Cans & Get Paid to Recycle Drink Cans « Seekyt

If you live in Tennessee, also see: Sell Aluminum Cans & Recycle Soda Cans for Cash in Tennessee - Yahoo! Voices 

More ways to make money: Make Money Online with CashCrate
  Leave me a comment below if you have any questions!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Make Money Online with CashCrate

Because I write a lot for the web and earn a decent income that way, people frequently ask me about different ways to earn money online. If you are not a writer or just want to break up the monotony of writing all the time, one of the easy ways to earn a little money is getting paid to take surveys online.

Businesses are always looking for people to try their products and services, and they are willing to pay internet users to take surveys about products and services.

If you have a few minutes to kill each day and would like to make a little extra money, consider CashCrate. Several of my other writing friends have used CashCrate for the past couple of years to break up the monotony of writing all day, and they thought it was worth passing along. After checking it out, I think it is worth mentioning, too.

CashCrate has been around since 2006 and has over 2 million members worldwide. CashCrate has good reviews and you can earn money several ways:

* Offers * Surveys * Shopping * Referrals * Bonus Surveys * Cash Tasks

 Payments per survey runs between $0.25 per offer up to $50.00 for people age 13 or older.

All you have to do is:
  1. Sign up
  2. Complete surveys or other tasks
  3. Wait for the check
It's a good way for young teens to bring in a little money as well as people who are laid off, sick, between jobs, or with a little extra time on their hands. It's free to join.

Sign up here. Leave me a comment below if you have any questions!

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Squidoo to Retire Upmarket Business Magazine

Squidoo is retiring their Upmarket magazine. Launched about 8 months ago, the content and feel of Upmarket was geared towards business owners and entrepreneurs. With its niche following, Upmarket has focused on insider business tips and techniques through targeted articles.
In mid August, Upmarket will be retired from the regular Squidoo magazine line up (which includes GoodVeg, SoCrafty and a new home decor magazine called  'Cozy.') The existing business pages (known as "lenses" on Squidoo) will still be live, but no longer promoted in magazine form, and the Upmarket theme will no longer appear on the lenses.

 Squidoo is a community of writers and web pages where self-employed writers and photographers can earn a little money creating web pages about various topics.

You can find my 4 Upmarket pages at:
Unemployment Resources in Tennessee  
Unemployment Resources in Tennessee
According to the Tennessee State Department of Labor & Workforce Development, the total number of unemployed in Tennessee rose by 66,600 in January of 2009...
Surviving Job Loss: Unemployment, Layoffs, and Firings
According to the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics, 508,859 workers were laid off from work during the fourth quarter of 2008, and unemployment...
Pyramid Schemes: How to Identify & Avoid Them  
Pyramid Schemes: How to Identify & Avoid Them
There really is something called a pyramid scheme, which we will look at in a minute. First it is important to clarify that the term "pyramid scheme" has fr...

Direct Selling Tips  
Direct Selling Tips
More and more people are turning to various forms of entrepreneurship as the economy has caused traditional 9 - 5 jobs to not only become less available, but...

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day a Success in Nashville | Christian Activities

Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Packs Nashville Restaurants

No matter how the media or liberals (including liberal Christians) try to spin it, Chick-fil_a Appreciation Day was a huge success in Nashville, as thousands of Chick-fil-A supporters flocked to the popular chain to show their support for a Christian-owned businesses First Amendment right to express a belief in Biblical values.

Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day backed up traffic down Charlotte Pike in Nashville as people flocked to one of America's most popular chain restaurants on Aug 1, 2012. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee called for a day of support for Chick-fil-A after the restaurant came under harsh attack when CEO Cathy expressed his belief in Biblical family values.

Read the details and see the photos at: Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Packs Nashville Restaurants | Christian Activities


Monday, July 30, 2012

A Letter in Support of Chick-fil-A — The Patriot Post

A Letter in Support of Chick-fil-A    

In response to the national bruhaha that homosexual activities and others have created over a comment from Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy where he simply stated his belief in Biblical values, other businesses and publications are coming out in support of Chick-fil-A. This is the first paragraph of a letter written by The Patriot Post in support of Chick-fil-A:
We hereby declare our support for the executives, franchise owners and more than 61,000 employees of Chick-fil-A for their Christian business practices, as well as their stated support for biblical values, which is to say traditional American family values.

 Read the full letter at: A Letter in Support of Chick-fil-A  — The Patriot Post The Patriot Post

Also see: 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Facebook Shuts Down Huckabee Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Page for 12 Hours | Christian Activities

Facebook Shuts Down Huckabee Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Page for 12 Hours

As liberal activists tried to stir up trouble on the Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Page started by Mick Huckabee, for whatever reasons, Facebook shut down the Chick Fil-A Appreciation Day page  for 12 hours on Tuesday, July 24. The page closure was puzzling since Huckabee's page was clear in its statements that those who share traditional family and/or Christian beliefs were not being called upon to do anything but show support for the popular food business by eating there on Aug. 1.

Find out more at Facebook Shuts Down Huckabee Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day Page for 12 Hours | Christian Activities

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mike Huckabee Launches Chick Fil-A Appreciation Day | Christian Activities

Mike Huckabee Launches Chick Fil-A Appreciation Day

In the intolerance department -- Chick-fil-A Chief Operating Officer Dan Cathy recently made the following innocuous remark in a recent radio interview: “We are very much supportive of the family — the Biblical definition of the family unit, and I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude that thinks we have the audacity to redefine what marriage is all about.”

Then the liberal left came out swinging, putting all sorts of extra words in Dan Cathy's mouth. In response, Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is sponsoring Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.

Get the facts at: Mike Huckabee Launches Chick Fil-A Appreciation Day | Christian Activities

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Corporate Censorship of Independent Blogs & Websites

At a time when the possibility of increased internet censorship and policing through SOPA and PIPA caused huge national outcries, protests, and a partial shutdown of the internet through voluntary website "blackouts," it is perhaps no surprise to learn that censorship still continues to rear its ugly head in corporate America.

One respected direct-selling company which formerly encouraged its independent consultants to blog and utilize social networks to promote their business, recently published its new policies.

Among the changes was a new policy that demands that all self-employed consultants hire an attorney from a hand-full of attorneys picked by the corporation to look at all "independent personal websites" and sign off on them by the end of the year to make sure the websites comply with the new policies.

The company may now require the passwords to the blogs and websites it approves.

Definition of Website
  • web site: a computer connected to the internet that maintains a series of web pages on the World Wide Web; --
  • A website, also written as Web site, web site, or simply site, is a set of related web pages content such as text, images, video, audio, etc. -- Wikipedia
  •  A set of interconnected webpages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization. --
While the definition of a website clearly involves multiple interconnected pages, not only are all consultants being required to pay expensive legal fees to make sure their independent websites now meet the new policies, but the term "independent personal website" might be applied at the company's discretion to Facebook and any other pages, articles, social networks and/or other websites where the company was ever mentioned.

In 1997 Mattel, Inc. tried something comparable. The "Pink Anger" outrage over certain publications and websites being sued and forced out of business, ensured that sales of the Barbie doll never again saw dramatic increases like they did in the 1990s.

Censorship and heavy-handed legal maneuverings are never popular with the American public. Creating a new policy that punishes small business owners for following the previous policies is also frowned upon. But creating a legal scenario where only representatives who can afford attorneys can survive is not only bad business, it is un-American.

Also see: Barbie Collectors vs. Mattel: 1997's 'Pink Anger' - National Barbie Collecting Examiner

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Barbie Collectors vs. Mattel: 1997's 'Pink Anger' - National Barbie Collecting Examiner

15th anniversary of Pink Anger: Barbie fans vs. Mattel

I was a staff writer for Barbie Bazaar magazine, as well as a contributor to Miller's Fashion Doll magazine, White's Guide to Collecting and other doll collecting magazines in 1997 when Mattel's legal department made the business decision to clamp down hard on people with Barbie doll websites, magazines, etc. Almost anything and anyone who used the word Barbie in any form or fashion not under Mattel's direct control received legal cease and desist letters. This article tells the story of Pink Anger.

The Barbie doll reached the height of its collectibility in 1997 with even brand-new dolls commanding staggering prices on the secondary market. In 1997, Barbie was responsible for 80% of sales in the doll segment of the billion dollar toy market. Then something went wrong.

Read the article at: 15th anniversary of Pink Anger: Barbie fans vs. Mattel - National Barbie Collecting Examiner

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Direct Selling Tips

Direct Selling Tips

More and more people are turning to various forms of entrepreneurship as the economy has caused traditional 9 - 5 jobs to not only become less available, but less dependable. Franchises, self employment, and direct marketing jobs have been gaining in popularity in recent years.

Find some helpful info on direct marketing at: Direct Selling Tips--Squidoo

If you would like you to join me on Squidoo and make a little money writing, CLICK HERE

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Top Ten Things About the Bellevue Microtel Hotel - Yahoo! Voices

Top Ten Things About the Bellevue Microtel Hotel

From October 2010 to July 2011, I spent 9 months living in the Microtel motel in Bellevue, TN, following the Nashville flood and additional subsequent water damage from a burst washing machine hose. For this reason I feel uniquely qualified to talk about the pros and cons of the Bellevue Microtel.

Read what the Bellevue Microtel motel has going for it at: Top Ten Things About the Bellevue Microtel Hotel - Yahoo! Voices

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Pyramid Schemes: How to Identify & Avoid Them

Pyramid Schemes: How to Identify & Avoid Them

There really is something called a pyramid scheme, but it is important to clarify that the term "pyramid scheme" has frequently been misapplied as a term to describe all multi-level marketing (MLM) businesses, as well as government and capitalism (see t-shirts below).

Find out more at Pyramid Schemes: How to Identify & Avoid Them

If you would like you to join me on Squidoo and make a little money writing, CLICK HERE.

Monday, January 23, 2012

SOPA, PIPA & the Ongoing Piracy of Videos, Music, Articles & Photos - Yahoo! Voices

SOPA, PIPA & the Ongoing Piracy of Videos, Music, Articles & Photos

Over the past several years, I have read numerous articles on the subject or piracy and copyright infringement until I found my own voice on the subject and began writing articles on the topic of copyright infringement. It still amazes me that fairly well-intentioned people as well as lazy short-cutters, scammers and black-hatters think it is fine to steal images from other other website, copy articles to their blogs or discussion boards or copy movies, videos and music to distribute whether on the web or hard copy.

Article at: SOPA, PIPA & the Ongoing Piracy of Videos, Music, Articles & Photos - Yahoo! Voices 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to Prepare for & Survive a Job Layoff « Seekyt

How to Prepare for & Survive a Job Layoff

In today's economy, many workers have been downsized, unemployed and laid off from their traditional 9 - 5 jobs. Back in 2009, I lost my own job as a shop girl when the major, national retail chain where I worked in closed the Nashville store where I was employed. I am all too familiar with layoffs.

Although losing a job can rock your world, it needn't signal the end of your world. Following are ten tips to help you prepare for and live through a layoff.

Read my Top 10 Tips to Handle a Layoff at How to Prepare for & Survive a Job Layoff « Seekyt

Also see: Handling a Layoff - Survival of the Fittest - Yahoo! Voices

Monday, January 09, 2012

Top 10 Things About the Lee Company: A Review of the Lee Company - Yahoo! Voices

Top 10 Things About the Lee Company: A Review of the Lee Company - Yahoo! Voices

 The Lee Company is a successful business model to look at when it comes to customer service. More companies in the home repair industry should follow their example.

Since 1944, the Lee Company in Nashville, TN, has been taking care of Middle Tennessee's refrigeration, heating and air conditioning needs. Three generations of Lees have helmed the Lee Company, ever since L. Leon Lee started the business as Lee Refrigeration Service Company, using his one truck to service refrigeration and heating equipment. Today the Lee Company employs hundreds of people and serves customers nationwide, including homes, businesses and facilities.

Read what I like about the Lee Company at: Top 10 Things About the Lee Company: A Review of the Lee Company - Yahoo! Voices